A 41 year-old woman misswallowed a fishbone for 5 days.
In Medic Center, MSCT and upper GI endoscopy detected a fishbone penetrating her esophagus which was going to the mediastinum and may enter the descending thoracic aorta.
A 41 year-old woman misswallowed a fishbone for 5 days.
In Medic Center, MSCT and upper GI endoscopy detected a fishbone penetrating her esophagus which was going to the mediastinum and may enter the descending thoracic aorta.
A 67 year-old woman PARA 2002 with lower abdominal pain for 2 days and irritable bowel syndrome. She is diabetic, arterial hypertension and asthma. Her past history denied any pelvic tumor before 2021.
Ultrasound detected abdominal ascites, a liver small nodule and pelvic tumor which invaded the pelvic organes, maybe an ovarian cancer.
MRI confirmed the ovarian cancer metastasized to liver, pleural membranes, lymph noded, epiploon and peritoneum.
Blood tests data.
03 women 62 yo, 41 yo and 27 yo with disphagia were detected as abdominal ultrasound, barium swallow, and endoscopic upper GI diagnostics and managements as ballooned dilatation.
Ultrasound revealed dilated 1/3 lower part of the esophagus which terminated at the cardia of the stomach. And its existed not any tumor outside nor tumor of the gastric wall. It appeared like the bird beck sign of the barium swallow on the XRay films.
One patient (case 01) relapsed after 4 months managed esophagial dilatation by balloon.
CASE 01: A 61 year-old woman in malnutrition as achalasia for one year with esophagial dilatation from the neck to upper part of the stomach.
A 22 year-old girl with inflammation of her right axillary lymph node for 2 days and the right elbow and the 3rd flexor digitorium for 5 months. But it failed in management in 2 hospitals.
Ultrasound and axillary lymph node biopsy at Medic Center detected TB inflamation of the right axillary lymph node and the right 3rd flexor digitorium.
After the TB management for 6 months the TB inflammation of the lymph node and the right flexor digitorium were controlled successfully.
A 31 year-old woman with her left axillary swollen for one week.
Ultrasound detected an 54x51 mm axillary abscess on left side with microcalcification that maybe an accessory breast abscess.
A 71 year-old man with dysuria for one month but failed in management of infectious urinary system. The patient noted foaming at his penis after urination.
Ultrasound detected gas in urinary bladder and thickening of sigmoid colon. May it exists a fistula of colon and urinary bladder as appearance ò foaming at the penis.
Endoscopy revealed colonic diverticula.
Cystoscopy showed acute cystitis but not ruling out a colonobladder fistula.
A 26 year-old man with lion- like face [dermatological face] and drumstick- like fingers [digital clubbing](hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) for 6 years.
X-rays films show thickening of the periosteum of ribs, upper and lower limb bones.