A 42 year-old female patient, TPAL 1001 with critical menorrhegia for one month and weight loss and anemia. HTA:100/70 mmHg, PA:110 bpm. W = 40 kg H: 155mm, BMI: 16.6.
TVS ultrasound detects only uterine fibroma, but beta HCG highly rising= 69,474 mlU/mL.
Total body MRI detects a 98 mm right lung tumor and a 25 mm uterine fibroma.
Chest X-Ray film represents tumor of the right lung which is thought a beta HCG secretion tumor.
Lung biopsy result is a non small cell adenocarcinoma, stage IIIc, invasive at lung.
As the poor status of the patient, the current clinical management is blood transfusion to improve her life in waiting for a reexamination in a cancer hospital.