Female tennager 13 yo from midland region of middle Vietnam go to Medic for a checkup.
In general ultrasound a small uterus was detected so inducing a endocrinological problem but therer is no clue about.
Female tennager 13 yo from midland region of middle Vietnam go to Medic for a checkup.
In general ultrasound a small uterus was detected so inducing a endocrinological problem but therer is no clue about.
Male patient 64yo with fever and voiding discomfort for month.
Digital rectal examination detected a big prostate with a hard nodule on right side.
On MRI there were a 22x15mm hard node of right lobe and another one, 12x16mm, on the left of prostate which concern neoplastic foci , but PSA=1.75 ng/mL; F/T=20%
At Medic, an SWE elastography TRUS with biplane probe was done
By via transperineal a biopsy of prostate was perfomed and histopathological result is TB of prostate and subacute prostatitis.
A 74-year-old male patient presented to our clinic because of pain and swelling in the right scrotum for 10 days. The scrotum became larger, harder and pus drained out of the scrotum about 3 days before the ultrasound examination.
About 3 months ago, he underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and was infected with COVID-19 in the postoperative period. After the COVID isolation, the patient did not show any symptoms of infection.
On ultrasound of the scrotum, we found scrotal edema, thickening, interstitial fluid and gas between the scrotal skin layers. Gas spreads anteriorly to the right pubic tubercle and posteriorly to the base of the penis near the anus.
Gas was not seen in the left scrotum, in the spermatic cord, in the skin of the abdomen and on the buttocks and thighs. No fistula from the rectum was found.
Due to the patient's recent urinary tract surgery, urinary catheterization, history of diabetes, gas and fluid in the right scrotal skin. We therefore assumed diagnosis of Fournier's gangrene.
The paitent was transferred to surgery department after and treated with debridement surgery in combination with antibacterial and detoxification therapy. He improve well till now.
Getting well at hospital discharge.
Female patient 82 yo, herself detected a right breast mass that had been in traditional management, but it was getting slowly bigger. Now the right breast is swollen and hemorrhage.
Female patient 72 yo with vertigo and sudden fall in Medic Clinic. She had been noticed osteopenia for time that exists threefold bone fracture risk.
At first PoCUS detected right radial bone fracture at 1/3 inferior part with subcutaneous hematoma around.
X-Ray of upper limb later confirmed fracture of right radial bone.
Patient was transmitted to Trauma and Orthopedic Hospital for a 5 week plaster cast of her right arm.
Colles fracture or Pouteau Colles fracture.