A 42 year-old man with LLQ pain and defecation troubles and some left neck lymph nodes for one week. He lost # 2kg. He denied to ask doctor his swollen right scrotum as ashamed of it.
Abdominal and neck ultrasound detected some lymph nodes ( most big size # 51mm) into abdomen and retroperitoneum which were hypoechoic pattern maybe due to lymphoma infiltration.
Some 9-21 mm lymph nodes at left posterior triangular neck.
Lab data result has beta2 microglobulin elevated.
Histopathological biopsy result of the subclavian node was lymphoma big cell. But histoimmunochemostaining was a germinoma metastase to lymph node.
Fuĺl body MSCT performed to evaluate the lymph nodes
But MSCT detected a # 46x58 mm right testicular tumor with metastase lymph nodes in the abdomen and retroperitoneum, at the groins and the subclavian region and left neck.
Scrotal ultrasound later confirmed a # 76x66x36 mm right testicular tumor and inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes metastase.
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