Case 1:
A 52 year-old woman with left breast tumor and bloody stool. Her past history noted an ovarian cancer for 3 years.
Ultrasound detected a pelvic mass and metastase liver nodes. Left breast noted 2 tumoral masses classified BI-RADS 5 with axillary lymph nodes.
In pelvis ultrasound revealed a left mass maybe a recurrent left ovarian tumor which metastasized her liver.
MSCT confirmed 18-35 mm left breast tumors and left pelvic tumor which invaded the sigmoid colon and metastase liver nodes.
Core biopsy of the left breast tumors was malignant phyllodes.
Left breast mastectomy was done and managed the recurrent left ovarian tumor with metastases in Cho ray hospital.
Post-op result of the left breast tumor was malignant phyllodes non invaded the skin and the nipple.
Case 2:
A 31 year-old woman PARA 1001 with left breast tumor growing bigger rapidly for one year after cessation of breastfeeding her 14 month child. Her history noted small left breast tumor since 2022.
Ultrasound detected a BI-RADS 4a multinodular breast tumor.
Mammography noted a left phyllodes in full of the left breast volume.
Core biopsy result was a benign fibroadenoma of the left breast.
Surgery removed the left breast tumor. The specimen result was a benign Phyllodes tumor.
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