A 19 year-old female patient with lumbago and periumbilical pain went to Medic Center for ultrasound examination for 10 days.
Abdomen ultrasound detects a calcified mass, colorless signal, close by the vertebral column on left side which is thought a TB abscess or a retroperitoneal tumor. On vertebral X-ray films there are erosions of the vertebral bodies T 11 and T 12.

MSCT confirms a tissue density mass, well limited, with calcifications inside, # 11x17x7 cm, medium contrast captured. From under the diaphragm the mass compresses left kidney and soft tissues around and erodes vertebral bodies T11, T 12. It may be a retroperitoneal neurogenic tumor.
Surgery was done after ten days of diagnosing made and post-op result is a retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma.
Now the patient remains well and no need any other treatment.
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